Along with the teaching activity, the research programme will be organized so to develop a strand of excellence in the field of EU constitutional law, with a focus on direct effect, primacy and all other principles/doctrines/tools envisaged under EU law to interact with domestic legal orders, also in specif sectors of EU law, such as competition law and state aid.
Research activity and additional activities aimed at dissemination events will be organized also for the realization of five deliverables.
- Monograph: Public Services and EU Competition Law. The Social Market Economy in Action, Routledge-Giappichelli, 2021.
- An edited volume on the role of Italian jurists as judges and AGs in the CJEU.
- Monograph: Direct Effect and the Nature of EU Law, OUP.
- Two journal special issues on aspects of EU procedural law before the CJEU (EJLS special issue) as well as before domestic jurisdictions (IJPL special issue 1 del 2023).